发布日期:2022-09-30 11:18:01 来源:曲谱网会员空间 曲谱热度:
Strong in the Real Way是Rebecca Sugar导演的美国电视系列动画《宇宙小子》的插曲。主角小男孩史帝芬•宇宙所处的世界受到一群能穿梭银河系的女战士“水晶宝石人”(the Crystal Gems)的保护排除邪恶威胁,她们身上镶著能召唤魔法武器的宝石。四位主角是石榴(Garnet)、紫晶(Amethyst)、珍珠(Pearl)及史帝芬(Steven),史帝芬继承了放弃宝石人身份与凡人结婚的母亲Rose Quartz的宝石。故事便围绕在史帝芬探索自己宝石能力的期间,与其他三位宝石人相处的冒险日子。
Strong in the Real Way歌词:
Why do you have to look up to her
Aside from in a literal sense
Don't you know that a power that big
Comes with a bigger expense
And can't you see that she's out of control
And overzealous
I'm telling you for your own good
And not because I'm
I can show you how to be strong
In the real way
And I know that we can be strong
In the real way
And I want to inspire you
I want to be your rock
And when I talk
It lights a fire in you
Who's ready to get buff
I don't want to see your gut
I want to see your guts
I can show you how to be strong
In the real way
And I know that we can be strong
In the real way
And I want to inspire you
I want to be your rock
And when I talk
It lights a fire in you
I want to inspire you
I want to be your rock
And when I talk
It lights a fire in you
Tags: the(1707) in(400) Way(92) Sugar(22) Rebecca(10) Real(6) Strong(6)
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